Valentine's Day

Come on in

the shop is open


Valentine's Day Chocolate Hearts

Shaping bread and laminating dough



Bakery Nouveau is a feast for the senses. Blocks away, the aroma of fresh baked goods tantalize the nose. Take a bite of anything, and you’ll see why people make special trips to our shops in Burien, West Seattle and Capitol Hill to experience the unforgettable charm of Bakery Nouveau. Get a taste online – then make haste to Bakery Nouveau for a culinary seduction unlike any in Seattle.

Learn More
Classic chocolate croissant
Slicing a round loaf of bread
Overhead photo of several cocoa-pod shaped bon bons
Apple and pear tarts
Overhead view of 3 pizza slices




Select a Pickup Location


(Between 4th & 6th Ave SW)

426 SW 153rd St.

Burien, WA 98166

West Seattle

(In the Alaska Junction)

4737 California Ave SW

Seattle WA 98116

Capitol Hill

(Near Kaiser Permanente)

137 15th Ave E

Seattle WA 98112

See Menu